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Synthesis: Volume 4【電子書籍】[ Shahbaz Fazal ] Synthesis: Volume 4【電子書籍】[ Shahbaz Fazal ] 316 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>VOLUME 4</p> <p>This covers the period 2011 to 2015, and starts by taking stock of the situation at the start of the new millennium. Then examines how the banking system actually works, followed by the 14-year war on terror ? in terms of its results.</p> <p>Not only have the numbers of terrorists increased a hundred-fold, US-NATO policies have created new, far more blood-thirsty terrorists. Whi・・・(以下省略)
Demystifying Artificial intelligence: Simplified AI and Machine Learning concepts for Everyone (English Edition)【電子書籍】[ Prashant Kikani ] Demystifying Artificial intelligence: Simplified AI and Machine Learning concepts for Everyone (English Edition)【電子書籍】[ Prashant Kikani ] 1,100 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Learn AI & Machine Learning from the first principles</strong></p> <p><strong>KEY FEATURES</strong></p> <p>● Explore how different industries are using AI and ML for diverse use-cases.</p> <p>● Learn core concepts of Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP in an easy and intuitive manner.</p> <p>● Cutting-edge coverage on use of ML for business products and services.</・・・(以下省略)
Battling The Voice You Believe How To Use Criticism To Win【電子書籍】[ Chuck B. Morris, Ph.D. ] Battling The Voice You Believe How To Use Criticism To Win【電子書籍】[ Chuck B. Morris, Ph.D. ] 667 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>How do you decide what voice inside your head and outside your head is the right voice to listen too and why does it seem to matter so much anyway? Why does criticism seem to hurt and or hinder us from reaching our goals small and large? In this short but powerful read, you will not just understand why but what to do about it to make it all work for you. A field manual that you will use for yea・・・(以下省略)
世界喜歡這樣的?【電子書籍】[ 喬安娜.蓋恩斯 ] 世界喜歡這樣的?【電子書籍】[ 喬安娜.蓋恩斯 ] 1,175 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>?個人都如此不同,</strong></p> <p><strong>但我們可以欣賞彼此的獨特。</strong></p> <p><strong>而當我們分享自己的長處與能力時,</strong></p> <p><strong>一切都可以變得更加美麗!</strong></p> <p><strong>★《紐約時報》Top 1暢銷繪本</strong></p> <p><strong>★ Amazon讀者五星好評</strong></p> <p>一群小朋友想要製作熱氣球,他們會怎麼做??</p> <p>有人喜歡獨立製作,有人打算分工合作;有人擬定萬全計畫才動工,有人一邊思考一邊動手做;有人秉持科學態度,有人發揮藝術創造天分;有人把舊物化為神奇,有人想出天馬行空的全新創意……</p> <p>一本感動大人、也?發孩子的暖心繪本,描繪個性、習慣、想法各異的小朋友一同創造一件事,各・・・(以下省略)
最高自主學習法:讀書?工作,一生受用,快速提取資訊精華,駕馭各種複雜知識 The Self-Learning Blueprint:A Strategic Plan to Break Down Complex Topics, Comprehend【電子書籍】[ 彼得.霍林斯(Peter Hollins) ] 最高自主學習法:讀書?工作,一生受用,快速提取資訊精華,駕馭各種複雜知識 The Self-Learning Blueprint:A Strategic Plan to Break Down Complex Topics, Comprehend【電子書籍】[ 彼得.霍林斯(Peter Hollins) ] 1,058 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>考試讀書、斜槓就業、自我進修、興趣培養……</p> <p>在資訊爆炸時代,「自學能力」遠比?想像的還要重要!</p> <p>?美國Amazon行為心理學分類榜Top 1、指標性書評網Goodreads逾九成讀者一致五星好評!</p> <p>?暢銷書《停止?延的情緒行為動力學》、《加速式.子彈學習法則》作者最新力作!</p> <p>本書教?如何</p> <p>?抓重點?做筆記?集中注意力?反思提問?提高學習意願,</p> <p>縮短 吸收→理解→活用 的冗長過程,</p> <p>再複雜的知識都學得會,記得住!</p> <p>Waki 瓦基/?讀前哨站 站長</p> <p>王乾任/超快速學習法粉絲團團主</p> <p>仙女老師余懷瑾 /《不怕輸,就怕放棄》作者 受用推薦</p> <p>為什麼學生和社會人士都需要「自主學習」?</p> <p>因為「自學能力」是做好任何事的關鍵!</p> <・・・(以下省略)
What Happens in Devon…【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] What Happens in Devon…【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] 597 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A light-hearted read to make you laugh!</p> <p>Widower Tom is in need of a fresh start! He’s always dreamed of being a novelist and so, inspired by his therapist, he sets out to write a book ? fuelled by hobnobs and cups of tea ? after all, how hard can it really be?</p> <p>But Tom soon enlists the help of a rather eccentric group of co-authors who live nearby in Devon. Together, their rather s・・・(以下省略)
Product Launch Blueprint - Step By Step Guide To Use Product Launch To Skyrocket Your Business【電子書籍】[ Forrest Grant ] Product Launch Blueprint - Step By Step Guide To Use Product Launch To Skyrocket Your Business【電子書籍】[ Forrest Grant ] 350 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Do You Want To Know How To Use Product Launches To Skyrocket Your Business?</strong></p> <p><strong>But You:</strong></p> <p><strong>-</strong> Are sick and tired of spinning your wheels and not getting results<br /> - You are tired of spending hours and hours at your laptop trying to figure out how to launch a product<br /> - You live paycheck to paycheck and really want to create a su・・・(以下省略)
Summary of Peter Hollins's The Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition【電子書籍】[ Everest Media ] Summary of Peter Hollins's The Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition【電子書籍】[ Everest Media ] 500 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The ability to learn new things and change your life in a very short period of time is something that can affect your life in a significant way. It simply means that you can change your life even more quickly in the direction that you want. #2 Learning is now easier than ever before. Information on al・・・(以下省略)
大威脅:未來經濟十大趨勢與生存法則 MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future, And How to Survive Them【電子書籍】[ 魯里埃爾?魯比尼(Nouriel Roubini) ] 大威脅:未來經濟十大趨勢與生存法則 MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future, And How to Survive Them【電子書籍】[ 魯里埃爾?魯比尼(Nouriel Roubini) ] 1,931 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>末日博士魯比尼最新預言</strong></p> <p><strong>世界不會一片黒暗,但必須看清十大威脅,才能掌握先機。</strong></p> <p><strong>一本書看?未來經濟大勢<strong><strong>?</strong></strong>一上市即登上亞馬遜暢銷書榜</strong></p> <p><strong>位居總體經濟、國際經濟、地?政治、金融預測四大分類TOP 1</strong></p> <p>通膨趨緩、股市在漲,景氣轉好?看?經濟邏輯,別被雜音誤導!</p> <p>史上最大債務危機將至,承平時期的民間與公共債務,比二戰時期高;</p> <p>高齡化、自動化遠比全球化危險,逆全球化將使生活成本攀升;</p> <p>大短缺來臨,供需風險夾?,當前大停滯性通膨危機,超越1930年代大蕭條……</p> <p>未來?多災難匯集,這本書教?・・・(以下省略)
The Top 1%: Habits, Attitudes & Strategies For Exceptional Success Habits, Attitudes & Strategies For Exceptional Success【電子書籍】[ Dan Strutzel ] The Top 1%: Habits, Attitudes & Strategies For Exceptional Success Habits, Attitudes & Strategies For Exceptional Success【電子書籍】[ Dan Strutzel ] 567 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In the past several years, there has been a great deal of hyperbole disseminated by mass media about "The Top 1%". Most of this press has been negative - casting the 1% as the villains, and the 99% as the victims. Most every major problem in our society, and in individuals' inability to progress, has been blamed on this "elite" income class. Yet, the paradox is that the vast majority of people ・・・(以下省略)
HEDGED The mInD of an AdDicTed dAy TradEr【電子書籍】[ Juliana Jones ] HEDGED The mInD of an AdDicTed dAy TradEr【電子書籍】[ Juliana Jones ] 3,337 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>You wanna take a risk…You better be H E D G E D</p> <p>When she blows up her account in a day trade gone awry, she dives into a morally corrupt abyss of Wall Street to earn it all back, and finds danger with a hedge fund gang member who steals her heart, giving new meaning to the words, "I lost everything."</p> <p>Thank you for the purchase of this book. 5% of all net proceeds are going to Brea・・・(以下省略)
C?mo Ganar Dinero por Internet con OnlyFans y Marketing Digital Gu?a para Emprendedores, Managers y Modelos Independientes, Aprende C?mo Empezar y Escalar con ?xito un Negocio Online Propio【電子書籍】[ ONLY Modeling ] C?mo Ganar Dinero por Internet con OnlyFans y Marketing Digital Gu?a para Emprendedores, Managers y Modelos Independientes, Aprende C?mo Empezar y Escalar con ?xito un Negocio Online Propio【電子書籍】[ ONLY Modeling ] 1,150 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Esta <strong>gu?a para ganar dinero por Internet</strong> sirva para CUALQUIERA. Puedes ganar dinero con marketing digital <strong>tanto si quieres mostrar tu cara como si no</strong>, tanto hombre como mujer, desde cualquier sitio y sin habilidades previas.<br /> Puedes ser <em>marketer</em>, <strong>modelo</strong> independiente, propietario de <strong>agencia de modelos</strong>, manager, ch・・・(以下省略)
SMMA for Hustles Learn How to Make (a lot of) Money Online With OnlyFans Management (OFM) and Digital Marketing【電子書籍】[ @encastellano69 ] SMMA for Hustles Learn How to Make (a lot of) Money Online With OnlyFans Management (OFM) and Digital Marketing【電子書籍】[ @encastellano69 ] 1,450 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This guide to making money online is for ANYONE who wants to be a hustler. You can <strong>make money with a SMMA</strong> (social media marketing agency) whether you want to show your face or not, male or female, from anywhere and with no previous skills.<br /> You can be a <strong>marketer, freelance</strong> model, model <strong>agency owner, manager, chatter, copywriter,</strong> recruiter,・・・(以下省略)
性命出售:三島由紀夫最後的深度?樂大作【日台爆紅影視作品原著】 命売ります【電子書籍】[ 三島由紀夫 ] 性命出售:三島由紀夫最後的深度?樂大作【日台爆紅影視作品原著】 命売ります【電子書籍】[ 三島由紀夫 ] 1,040 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>隱藏在《金閣寺》、《假面的告白》、《豐饒之海》等名作光環之下,</strong></p> <p><strong>三島由紀夫鬼斧匠心的「深度?樂」大作,</strong></p> <p><strong>原作發表47****年後瞬間爆紅,日台影視作品旋風式改編,</strong></p> <p><strong>「不到最後10****頁,無法預料的衝?結局!」</strong></p> <p>★ 原作發表近半世紀,空降紀伊國屋書店新宿本店年度TOP.1銷售冠軍</p> <p>★ 三島由紀夫創作生涯最後的深度?樂大作,「最強狐仙」美輪明宏獻聲推薦</p> <p>★ 日文版狂銷32萬冊瞬間爆紅,同名電視劇、舞台劇、</p> <p>廣播劇火速改編;國片《售命》劇本原型</p> <p>★「比想像中精采十倍的後座力,笑著笑著就哭了!」──圈粉無數新世代讀者</p> <p><stron・・・(以下省略)
What Makes You Come Alive A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman【電子書籍】[ Lerita Coleman Brown ] What Makes You Come Alive A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman【電子書籍】[ Lerita Coleman Brown ] 2,670 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"> <tbody> <tr style="height:15pt;"> <td style="width:536pt;padding:0.75pt 0.75pt 0pt 0.75pt;border-top:1pt #000000 solid;border-right:1pt #000000 solid;border-bottom:1pt #000000 solid;border-left:1pt #000000 solid;"><p><a rel="nofollow"></a><span style="font-weight:bold;">"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because w・・・(以下省略)
聰明投資者10年賺10倍持續操作價?股 100張圖表解析巴菲特、蒙格的「可口可樂選股法」,讓?穩穩賺50年的快樂生活【電子書籍】[ 十點 ] 聰明投資者10年賺10倍持續操作價?股 100張圖表解析巴菲特、蒙格的「可口可樂選股法」,讓?穩穩賺50年的快樂生活【電子書籍】[ 十點 ] 952 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>★學巴菲特、蒙格的「可口可樂消費股選股法」,選出Top 1%的價?股!</strong></p> <p><strong>★用價?投資的1原則、6?驟,持續操作就能穩定獲利,年賺30%!</strong></p> <p>?<strong>相信「價格終究圍繞價?波動」,?就不會被市場情緒所左右。</strong></p> <p>?<strong>買進具有好商業模式的公司股票,並長期持有,等於買到一台賺錢機器。</strong></p> <p>?<strong>用<strong><strong>10</strong></strong>個標準找出好公司:有競爭力、?品單一、盈餘成長率超過<strong><strong>15%</strong></strong>……</strong></p> <p>?不想花時間整天?盤,要怎麼選出?得投資的股票??</p> <p>?想在股市賺大・・・(以下省略)
GROW: How We Get Food from Our Garden【電子書籍】[ Karl Beckstrand ] GROW: How We Get Food from Our Garden【電子書籍】[ Karl Beckstrand ] 593 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>"Rollicking fun…cleverly written…multicultural illustrations in brilliant colors.… [A] wealth of information." - Barbara Mojica, Top 1,000 Reviewer</p> <p>In Publisher’s Weekly. A child and grandfather till, plant, and harvest fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs, and grains in a tongue twisting picture book with online tips for starting your own garden.</p> <p>Selected by Oregon Agriculture in t・・・(以下省略)
叛逆者團隊:激發多元觀點,挑戰困難任務的工作組合 Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking【電子書籍】[ 馬修.席徳 ] 叛逆者團隊:激發多元觀點,挑戰困難任務的工作組合 Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking【電子書籍】[ 馬修.席徳 ] 1,333 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>明明?個成員都很棒,就是沒有突破性進展?</strong></p> <p><strong>叛逆觀點驅動團隊智慧,活絡多元解題能力,</strong></p> <p><strong>達成一加一大於二的倍數綜效。</strong></p> <p>ーーーーー上市首週空降《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷榜Top 1ーーーーー</p> <p>年度商管書銷售冠軍作者</p> <p>?露一流團隊的成功祕密</p> <p>ーーーーー唐鳳贊同力薦ーーーーー</p> <p><strong>我在招聘的時候有兩個原則,</strong></p> <p><strong>一個是他的經?、看事情的方法必須要跟現有成員不重疊。</strong></p> <p><strong>??是複製人,還是叛逆者??</strong></p> <p><strong>ーー複製人團隊同質性高,觀點彼此複製、強化,最終背離事實而・・・(以下省略)
The Easy Million Guide To Fund Investing For Wealth Building【電子書籍】[ Adam Messina ] The Easy Million Guide To Fund Investing For Wealth Building【電子書籍】[ Adam Messina ] 6,147 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The Easy Million eBook is an investment in yourself today --> to get your future Million.</p> <p>Do you want to know how you can be a Millionaire? What's stopping you from maximising your wealth? This essential eBook can change your life! It's time to work smarter, not harder.</p> <p>The Easy Million is the ultimate straightforward eBook that teaches everything on 'how' and 'why' you can become・・・(以下省略)
To Rome, with Love【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] To Rome, with Love【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] 711 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>‘Pure joy. One of my favourite T. A. Williams books of all time!’</p> <p>? <em>Rachel Gilbey (top 500 Amazon reviewer)</em></p> <p><strong>A summer of second chances…</strong></p> <p>Just a week before her big day, Sarah returns home to find a note from her husband-to-be ? the wedding’s off! So when her boss decides to send her on an epic cycling trip, from Venice to Rome, it seems like the per・・・(以下省略)

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