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女生最想要的舒服愛:AV王子一徹的耳邊真心話,陪?享受酥、麻,帶點微暈眩的愛愛技(18禁)【電子書籍】[ 一徹 ] 女生最想要的舒服愛:AV王子一徹的耳邊真心話,陪?享受酥、麻,帶點微暈眩的愛愛技(18禁)【電子書籍】[ 一徹 ] 1,068 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>女性熱搜TOP 1、日本AV 男優傳奇一徹<br /> 感情瞬間升?的性愛溝通術初公開!<br /> 3,000 女優實證・從少女到熟女都?迷難戒<br /> 邀約 ? 前戲 ? 性愛技巧全解析</strong></p> <p><strong>女孩想遞給閃?「今?請這樣對我」、<br /> 讓男人恍然大悟「原來女生要的是這個」!</strong></p> <p>★ 獨家收?:TOP 女優紗倉真菜 超真心對談 ★</p> <p>所謂「性」,?不是單純的動作片……<br /> 他,可以完成女生想要的一切。</p> <p>AV現場超過15年,3,000女性交手經驗,<br /> 會讓女孩情慾衝腦、眼冒愛心,下面★★★的情色王子一徹<br /> 一次?露那些女生不?的?心?望<br /> <strong>~首本結合勵志、爆料、技巧的性愛心靈專書~</strong></p> <・・・(以下省略)
片斷人間:?、酒店公關與乘夜行巴士私奔的女子,關於孤獨與相遇的社會學 断片的なものの社会学【電子書籍】[ 岸 政彦(Kishi Masahiko) ] 片斷人間:?、酒店公關與乘夜行巴士私奔的女子,關於孤獨與相遇的社會學 断片的なものの社会学【電子書籍】[ 岸 政彦(Kishi Masahiko) ] 881 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>第6回紀伊國屋人文大賞TOP 1!</strong><br /> <strong>★入圍芥川獎的社會學家首部田野人生隨筆集★</strong><br /> <strong>★一本擁抱「無意義」的生命之書★</strong></p> <p><strong>很久沒遇到一本,令我這麼捨不得讀完的書了。</strong><br /> <strong>──上野千鶴子/社會學家,著有《厭女》、《一個人的老後》</strong></p> <p><strong>我們的生活明明和這麼多人?生交集,</strong><br /> <strong>為何?個人在自己的大腦裡,卻都是孤伶伶的一個人?</strong></p> <p>隱身於日本社會的沖繩人、部落民與在日朝鮮人;<br /> 遺忘於陽光下的黒?小??、酒店公關與易妝者;<br /> 不斷送盆栽的老??,頭上穿洞的泥巴小?,乘夜行巴・・・(以下省略)
【限制級】把妹達人123ーー從宅男到型男之路、遊戲規則、完結篇:?定人生下半場(2023新版) The Game / Rules of the Game / The Truth【電子書籍】[ 尼爾?史特勞斯 (Neil Strauss) ] 【限制級】把妹達人123ーー從宅男到型男之路、遊戲規則、完結篇:?定人生下半場(2023新版) The Game / Rules of the Game / The Truth【電子書籍】[ 尼爾?史特勞斯 (Neil Strauss) ] 4,454 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>**如果不在台O電,?會需要這一本!!!<br /> 《把妹達人》三部曲<br /> 改變自己→用對方法→找到真命天女</p> <p>中文版《把妹達人》系列累積銷售突破10萬冊!<br /> 美國亞馬遜書店、紐約時報暢銷榜Top 1!**<br />   我是H,推薦本書給?一位對男女關係感到迷惘的人兒,因為就算是女性,也可以藉由這本書的?容,了解更多男人在面對「追求性愛」時所花費的力氣與腦筋,到底是藉由什麼樣的迴路所驅動!了解異性,也了解自己!ーー作家H</p> <p>  尼爾有一個非常レイ害的安排,就是他在展現完如何巡視、運用招式得到女人後,又描述他及其他巡佐的?心感受,有時描述他們無力完成性行為、童年的陰影或是彼此間流露出的怯弱。透過強弱強弱的安排,降低讀者對於作者的惡感,同時也將他所描述把妹社群當中的所有角色,還原成為一個又一個的「人」。──蔡宜文(專欄作家)</p> <p>・・・(以下省略)
Run Smarter Evidence-based Guidance and Expert Opinions to Help You Survive & Thrive as a Runner【電子書籍】[ Brodie Sharpe ] Run Smarter Evidence-based Guidance and Expert Opinions to Help You Survive & Thrive as a Runner【電子書籍】[ Brodie Sharpe ] 1,928 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A complete and comprehensive book to help you reduce your risk of injury, overcome a current injury or increase your running performance safely.</p> <p>Runners are constantly looking for information to reduce their risk of injury because nobody likes the 'injured runner' life. Despite what you may have been told, the primary cause behind running-related injuries is not from heel striking, poor ・・・(以下省略)
Die Hunde fliegen tief【電子書籍】[ Alek Popov ] Die Hunde fliegen tief【電子書籍】[ Alek Popov ] 1,500 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Vom Hundeausf?hrer zum Million?r, vom Million?r zum Aussteiger: Zwei Br?der aus Bulgarien suchen ihr Gl?ck in Amerika und finden immerhin die Asche ihres Vaters. EINE SCHWARZE SCHACHTEL VOLL ASCHE, das ist alles, was Ned und Ango, den ungleichen Br?dern aus Bulgarien, von ihrem Vater geblieben ist. 15 Jahre ist es nun her, dass er, ein Mathematiker zwischen Genie und Wahnsinn, als Gastprofessor・・・(以下省略)
When you are Super-Rich, who can you Trust?【電子書籍】[ Caroline Garnham ] When you are Super-Rich, who can you Trust?【電子書籍】[ Caroline Garnham ] 794 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Caroline Garnham, a former leading private client lawyer was head of Simmons &Simmons private client practice for fifteen years. She was nominated as one of the top five leading private client lawyers in 2011 and was a contributor for the Financial Times for twelve years on tax and trusts. Caroline pioneered the area of law now known as Family Governance.</p> <p>This book draws on her exten・・・(以下省略)
Do You Ever See?【電子書籍】[ B. F. Moorman-Fuzi ] Do You Ever See?【電子書籍】[ B. F. Moorman-Fuzi ] 1,404 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The top 1% of the richest people on Earth has more than $26 trillion. Because of their greed, one person in poverty every four seconds die from lack of medicine or food.</p> <p>Casey Olsen is going to put a stop to this!</p> <p>After having distributed millions of dollars from her father to those who need it most, she catches the attention of Morgen Vogel, a high-tech, secretive organisation th・・・(以下省略)
#HTSP - How to Self-Publish【電子書籍】[ Eric Otis Simmons ] #HTSP - How to Self-Publish【電子書籍】[ Eric Otis Simmons ] 484 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>#HTSP ? How to Self-Publish is a concise 79 page “how to” book which can be used as a resource or “primer” by first-time self publishers and others interested in self publishing. Simmons shares the methodology he used for “Not Far From The Tree,” his successful self-published Memoir, and first book. In its first year, the book ranked in the <strong>“Top 1%”</strong> in sales (of over 8,000,000 ・・・(以下省略)
Summary of Be the Unicorn【電子書籍】[ Rae Treasure ] Summary of Be the Unicorn【電子書籍】[ Rae Treasure ] 877 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In the book “BE THE UNICORN" you will discover the top twelve soft skills the most successful leaders, the top 1%, have. Understand how to develop these soft skills in your own life for better job success. Learn how to apply soft skills to interpersonal relationships outside of work. Understand how these soft skills can be applied in different work environments and job fields, especially with t・・・(以下省略)
2到7?小孩秒聽話:日本最強幼兒園老師的神奇溝通術【電子書籍】[ T老師 ] 2到7?小孩秒聽話:日本最強幼兒園老師的神奇溝通術【電子書籍】[ T老師 ] 1,068 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>日本AMAZON留言破1200則<br /> 長占親子榜TOP 1<br /> 崩潰媽媽們最需要的「當下的力量」!<br /> 100萬?媽一片讚嘆:簡單、直接、效果超給力!</strong></p> <p><strong>─這是家有學齡前兒童媽媽的真實心聲─</strong><br /> !!魔獸在家歡必霸,進了幼兒園就能乖乖聽話?<br /> !!?個藥滿屋子?,老師一出手不用3秒就?定?<br /> !!整天動作慢??,怎麼老師兩句話活力重開?<br /> 為什麼幼兒園老師可以這樣神!?</p> <p>是?〜魔獸就在眼前歡,大人也是精疲力盡,<br /> 這時誰還有?法?和而堅定的正向教養;<br /> 又或是理解?在冰山的薩提爾對話……<br /> 媽媽們只想要能解決眼前情況的「當下的力量」!</p> <p>日本神級幼兒園老師14年與學齡前魔獸纏鬥經驗,<br・・・(以下省略)
成功,從聚焦一件事開始-不流失專注力的減法原則(暢銷改版) The One Thing:The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results【電子書籍】[ 蓋瑞?凱勒(Gary Keller);傑伊?巴?森(Jay Papasan) ] 成功,從聚焦一件事開始-不流失專注力的減法原則(暢銷改版) The One Thing:The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results【電子書籍】[ 蓋瑞?凱勒(Gary Keller);傑伊?巴?森(Jay Papasan) ] 1,068 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>★2017全新封面暢銷改版</p> <p>★、《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》商管暢銷書 Top 1</p> <p>★ 書評網站Goodreads票選百大商管書</p> <p>★ 美國最大零售書商哈徳遜集團推薦為五大必讀商管書</p> <p>★ 翻譯成27種語言,全球熱銷百萬冊</p> <p>★ 富朋友理財筆記站長 艾爾文、女人迷創始人?執行長 張?軒、背包旅人 藍白? 真心推薦</p> <p><strong>同樣一天24小時,為什麼有人就是成就更多?</strong></p> <p><strong>關鍵在「聚焦能帶動後續改變的 1 件事」,許多事會自動消失不用做!</strong></p> <p><strong>做得更少,但成效卻更好!</strong></p> <p>待?事項愈來愈多,怎麼樣也?不上進度?</p> <p>賣命同時做很多事,但最後卻以挫折收場?</・・・(以下省略)
失智症世界的旅行指南:看見失智症患者眼中的世界,理解記憶、五感、時空出現障礙的原因 認知症世界の歩き方【電子書籍】[ 筧裕介 ] 失智症世界的旅行指南:看見失智症患者眼中的世界,理解記憶、五感、時空出現障礙的原因 認知症世界の歩き方【電子書籍】[ 筧裕介 ] 1,720 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>第一本從失智症「當事人」角度出發的書,也是理解失智症的第一本書</strong></p> <p><strong>★日本銷售破16萬冊,榮登2022年上半年最暢銷的失智症書籍</strong></p> <p><strong>★榮獲2022年日本讀者精選商業書籍(博雅教育類)最優秀獎</strong></p> <p><strong>★日本Amazon網路書店分類榜銷售TOP 1</strong></p> <p><strong>★日本NHK改編為網路節目播出</strong></p> <p><strong>★日本《朝日新聞》、《讀賣新聞》等媒體書評推薦</strong></p> <p><strong>?最有創意的失智症衛教手冊!</strong></p> <p><strong>用旅遊指南的形式介紹13個特殊景象,深入理解失智症。</strong></p> <p>?照日本知名・・・(以下省略)
Bipolar Disorder【電子書籍】[ Stephen Strakowski ] Bipolar Disorder【電子書籍】[ Stephen Strakowski ] 6,582 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Bipolar disorder is one of the most common and disabling conditions affecting humankind. It is a leading cause of disability and mortality worldwide, affecting millions of people. The illness is complex and dynamic, so that many individuals are misdiagnosed for years and clinicians struggle with identifying the most appropriate and successful treatment. Because it is complex and common, people ・・・(以下省略)
How Good We Can Be Ending the Mercenary Society and Building a Great Country【電子書籍】[ Will Hutton ] How Good We Can Be Ending the Mercenary Society and Building a Great Country【電子書籍】[ Will Hutton ] 1,494 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Britain is beset by a crisis of purpose. For a generation we have been told the route to universal well-being is to abandon the expense of justice and equity and so allow the judgments of the market to go unobstructed. What has been created is not an innovative, productive economy but instead a capitalism that extracts value rather than creates it, massive inequality, shrinking opportunity and ・・・(以下省略)
Skullduggery! The True Causes of the Financial Crisis【電子書籍】[ Ted Krager ] Skullduggery! The True Causes of the Financial Crisis【電子書籍】[ Ted Krager ] 960 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Today, in 2012, the country is again just as torn as it has was in the 1970s due once again to Middle East wars, the Great Recession of 2007 - 2012, President Obama's constant and incendiary rhetoric, incessant politicking over race, ObamaCare, divisive dialogue of the haves and have-nots, his infamous campaign gaffe to Joe the Plumber, "spread the wealth around", the "99% vs the Top 1%" (class・・・(以下省略)
人性較量:我們憑什麼勝過人工智慧?【電子書籍】[ 布?恩?克里斯汀 Brian Christian ] 人性較量:我們憑什麼勝過人工智慧?【電子書籍】[ 布?恩?克里斯汀 Brian Christian ] 1,366 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>「這不算。……『深藍』也沒有贏。」<br /> 西洋棋大師?斯?洛夫與超級電腦交手落敗後,為何這麼??<br /> 人類與人工智慧的關係,是「?輸我才贏」的零和賽局?</strong></p> <p>  ●《麻省理工科技評論》年度最佳書籍、亞馬遜書店電腦科學Top 1著作《決斷的演算》(Algorithms to Live By)合著者克里斯汀,?一部探討「人機關係」的佳作!<br />   ●讀者評道:「我在資訊科技領域工作超過二十年,這本書仍讓我看到新面向。」</p> <p>  電腦原本是我們?人腦的傑作,不意隨著它們的運算能力越來越強大,在許多領域打敗人類,人工智慧開始威脅我們的「自我感覺」,令我們質疑起原本自豪的能力,甚至認為它將取代人類。不過實際發展就如認知科學學者侯世達所?:「雖然我們不斷開發人工智慧,但?次在AI領域更進一?,不但沒有逐漸形成何謂真正智能・・・(以下省略)
喚醒?心中的「魔鬼」!100個超級業務都在用的強勢締結法則【電子書籍】[ 早川 勝 ] 喚醒?心中的「魔鬼」!100個超級業務都在用的強勢締結法則【電子書籍】[ 早川 勝 ] 891 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>全球TOP 1%</strong><br /> <strong>百萬圓?協會(MDRT)頂尖業務經理人 早川 勝</strong><br /> <strong>首次公開!「50種銷售技巧+50個鍛?鐵則」</strong></p> <p>──賣的不是商品,而是?個人的價?──</p> <p><strong>累積千人數據完成的超實用法則</strong><br /> <strong>日本亞馬遜商業理財書籍排行第一</strong><br /> <strong>上市半年即再版30刷!在日本引爆話題的商業新書</strong></p> <p>●拒當「傳統業務員」<br /> 還在對客?低頭哈腰,拜託對方向?買東西??這時的?已經沒有尊嚴了,?需要的是抬頭挺胸、正正當當的心態,藉由「販賣」解決客?的「人生問題」。</p> <p>●「做」就對了<br /> ?的所思所想,就是?・・・(以下省略)
Machine Learning for Hackers Case Studies and Algorithms to Get You Started【電子書籍】[ Drew Conway ] Machine Learning for Hackers Case Studies and Algorithms to Get You Started【電子書籍】[ Drew Conway ] 2,895 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>If you’re an experienced programmer interested in crunching data, this book will get you started with machine learningーa toolkit of algorithms that enables computers to train themselves to automate useful tasks. Authors Drew Conway and John Myles White help you understand machine learning and statistics tools through a series of hands-on case studies, instead of a traditional math-heavy present・・・(以下省略)
Downward Dog A Novel【電子書籍】[ Edward Vilga ] Downward Dog A Novel【電子書籍】[ Edward Vilga ] 1,320 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>“What Karl Lagerfeld is to fashion, Edward Vilga is to yoga. He has poured his years of experience into this sexy, charming and well-written escapade” (Simon Doonan, author of <em>Soccer Style</em>).</strong></p> <p>A study in love, loss, and sexual misadventures in New York City, <em>Downward Dog</em> tells the tale of a handsome Bad Boy who becomes a yoga instructor while trying to re・・・(以下省略)
Your Body Is a Revolution Healing Our Relationships with Our Bodies, Each Other, and the Earth【電子書籍】[ Tara Teng ] Your Body Is a Revolution Healing Our Relationships with Our Bodies, Each Other, and the Earth【電子書籍】[ Tara Teng ] 2,670 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"> <tbody> <tr style="height:15pt;"> <td style="width:536pt;padding:0.75pt 0.75pt 0pt 0.75pt;border-top:1pt #000000 solid;border-right:1pt #000000 solid;border-bottom:1pt #000000 solid;border-left:1pt #000000 solid;"><p><a rel="nofollow"></a><span>Too many of us are living disconnected from our bodies, chasing a constantly moving target of "ideal," and accept・・・(以下省略)

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