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片斷人間:?、酒店公關與乘夜行巴士私奔的女子,關於孤獨與相遇的社會學 断片的なものの社会学【電子書籍】[ 岸 政彦(Kishi Masahiko) ] 片斷人間:?、酒店公關與乘夜行巴士私奔的女子,關於孤獨與相遇的社會學 断片的なものの社会学【電子書籍】[ 岸 政彦(Kishi Masahiko) ] 881 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>第6回紀伊國屋人文大賞TOP 1!</strong><br /> <strong>★入圍芥川獎的社會學家首部田野人生隨筆集★</strong><br /> <strong>★一本擁抱「無意義」的生命之書★</strong></p> <p><strong>很久沒遇到一本,令我這麼捨不得讀完的書了。</strong><br /> <strong>──上野千鶴子/社會學家,著有《厭女》、《一個人的老後》</strong></p> <p><strong>我們的生活明明和這麼多人?生交集,</strong><br /> <strong>為何?個人在自己的大腦裡,卻都是孤伶伶的一個人?</strong></p> <p>隱身於日本社會的沖繩人、部落民與在日朝鮮人;<br /> 遺忘於陽光下的黒?小??、酒店公關與易妝者;<br /> 不斷送盆栽的老??,頭上穿洞的泥巴小?,乘夜行巴・・・(以下省略)
Die Hunde fliegen tief【電子書籍】[ Alek Popov ] Die Hunde fliegen tief【電子書籍】[ Alek Popov ] 1,500 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Vom Hundeausf?hrer zum Million?r, vom Million?r zum Aussteiger: Zwei Br?der aus Bulgarien suchen ihr Gl?ck in Amerika und finden immerhin die Asche ihres Vaters. EINE SCHWARZE SCHACHTEL VOLL ASCHE, das ist alles, was Ned und Ango, den ungleichen Br?dern aus Bulgarien, von ihrem Vater geblieben ist. 15 Jahre ist es nun her, dass er, ein Mathematiker zwischen Genie und Wahnsinn, als Gastprofessor・・・(以下省略)
把星星都點亮【電子書籍】[ 肆一 ] 把星星都點亮【電子書籍】[ 肆一 ] 891 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>◎誠品、博客來、金石堂?各大書店TOP 1作家「肆一」首部長篇小?</p> <p>◎肆一最擅長的洞悉人心書寫,結合友情與愛情所交織而成的療癒故事</p> <p>歌手 HUSH、作家 Middle、推理評論人 冬陽、推理評論家 杜鵑窩人、導演 林孝謙、作家 林育徳、作家 凌性傑、導演 馬逸騰、作家 張渝歌、作家 陳栢青、作家 痞子蔡、歌手 魏如イン、偵探書屋探長 譚端ーー共同推薦</p> <p>《把星星都點亮》微電影同?播映,大電影籌備中。</p> <p>「視線的落差。一小個又一小個碎片,我們?個人看到的都是事情的一個部分而已,然後各自解讀,最後就長成了一個跟初始不相同的事。?個人的視線所看到的同一件事,到底有什麼差異?人心的微妙變化又是什麼?這件事對我來?很有趣,所以想用一個很簡單來寫這件事,平凡到就像是會發生在我們身旁的事一樣,然而因為所有的簡單都因為人?雜在其中而變得不簡單。</・・・(以下省略)
Summary of Be the Unicorn【電子書籍】[ Rae Treasure ] Summary of Be the Unicorn【電子書籍】[ Rae Treasure ] 877 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In the book “BE THE UNICORN" you will discover the top twelve soft skills the most successful leaders, the top 1%, have. Understand how to develop these soft skills in your own life for better job success. Learn how to apply soft skills to interpersonal relationships outside of work. Understand how these soft skills can be applied in different work environments and job fields, especially with t・・・(以下省略)
Privilege: A Trilogy【電子書籍】[ Bharat Krishnan ] Privilege: A Trilogy【電子書籍】[ Bharat Krishnan ] 1,031 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In this epic saga about privilege and power, Rakshan Baliga will have to choose between the American Dream… and his own.</p> <p>New York’s drug problem is Rakshan's solution. Getting his hands on a super drug called WP could earn him glory, power, and a chance to win back his ex. But stealing it from the Top 1% is costly, and if Rakshan isn’t careful he’ll pay with his life.</p> <p>Discover how・・・(以下省略)
The Billionaire Raj: A Journey Through India's New Gilded Age by James Crabtree | Conversation Starters【電子書籍】[ dailyBooks ] The Billionaire Raj: A Journey Through India's New Gilded Age by James Crabtree | Conversation Starters【電子書籍】[ dailyBooks ] 484 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>The Billionaire Raj: A Journey Through India's New Gilded Age by James Crabtree | Conversation Starters</strong></p> <p>Author James Crabtree paints a colorful portrait of the rise of the new billionaire class in India despite its radically unequal society. In The Billionaire Raj: A Journey Through India's New Gilded Age, Crabtree relays the facts about India. It is currently the world’・・・(以下省略)
我的努力,只為自己的海闊天空【電子書籍】[ 石雷鵬 ] 我的努力,只為自己的海闊天空【電子書籍】[ 石雷鵬 ] 1,129 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>暢銷作家李尚龍監製</strong><br /> <strong>ーーーーー上市首週雄霸各大新書榜Top 1ーーーーー</strong></p> <p><strong>世界冷酷,但?會在磨難中強大。</strong><br /> <strong>最灑?的?,</strong><br /> <strong>不是用自己的成功打臉看壞?的人;</strong><br /> <strong>而是為了自在?翔,做更好的自己。</strong></p> <p>?一天,都是往後生命中最年輕的一天。<br /> 今天不爭取自己想要的生活,<br /> 明天就要花費更多時間,去應付?不想要的生活。<br /> 關於學習、工作、自我定位、情感生活和人際往來,<br /> ?個人或多或少都曾在世界的冷酷中打顫,<br /> 但成就?的,永遠不是別人的話語,而是自己的選擇和作為。<br />・・・(以下省略)
Sales Success Stories - 60 Stories from 20 Top 1% Sales Professionals【電子書籍】[ Scott Ingram ] Sales Success Stories - 60 Stories from 20 Top 1% Sales Professionals【電子書籍】[ Scott Ingram ] 1,212 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Want to learn the insider secrets of the top 1% sales achievers? Discover the inspiring techniques of 20 sales VIPs so you can climb the ranks and bring in the biggest commissions of your career.</strong></p> <p>Fed up with the same old sales results? Tired of advice from so-called sales gurus who don't actually sell for a living? Want to learn closing techniques from real-world doers? ・・・(以下省略)
Poverty Shall No Longer Knock at Thy Door The Roadmap to Success【電子書籍】[ Bishop Dr. Roy D. Ferguson ] Poverty Shall No Longer Knock at Thy Door The Roadmap to Success【電子書籍】[ Bishop Dr. Roy D. Ferguson ] 468 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A riveting account on one mans journey from poverty to a wealthy place by recounting his life experiences recorded in 3 streams; personal life, spiritual development and career development. The story is framed by a complete definition of poverty as an ugly evil spirit then directly highlights success as a wonderful, powerful experience in life. Once the stage is set for success, a roadmap of su・・・(以下省略)
A Year of Being Single: The bestselling laugh-out-loud romantic comedy that everyone’s talking about【電子書籍】[ Fiona Collins ] A Year of Being Single: The bestselling laugh-out-loud romantic comedy that everyone’s talking about【電子書籍】[ Fiona Collins ] 381 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>‘A <em>fabulously</em> entertaining story!’</p> <p>?<em>Rachel’s Random Reads</em> (top 1,000 Amazon Reviewer)</p> <p><strong>Three friends. One year. Absolutely <em>no</em> men…</strong></p> <p><strong>Imogen</strong> is supposed to be on the most romantic weekend of her life and instead she’s quickly realised that her current boyfriend definitely isn’t ‘The One’ and actually One Big Mistake.<・・・(以下省略)
生命清單【電子書籍】[ 羅莉.奈爾森.史皮曼 ] 生命清單【電子書籍】[ 羅莉.奈爾森.史皮曼 ] 1,143 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<h2><strong>★2014徳國年度暢銷總冠軍,熱銷100萬本!</strong></h2> <h2><strong>★2015誠品書店年度暢銷書TOP 6</strong></h2> <h2>★USA TODAY暢銷書TOP 1</h2> <h2>★全球售出29國版權</h2> <h2>★福斯2000即將開拍電影</h2> <h2></h2> <h2><strong>──?個人都該擁有自己的生命清單──</strong></h2> <h2><strong>14****?隨手寫下的願望清單,</strong></h2> <h2><strong>到了<strong><strong>34</strong></strong>?,要實現卻如此之難?</strong></h2> <p>這本?馨感人的小?,以類似「臨終遺囑」為故事核心,講述站在人生不同岔路口的都會女性如何與悲傷和死亡共處,又如何・・・(以下省略)
The Mince Pie Mix-Up【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Joyce ] The Mince Pie Mix-Up【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Joyce ] 646 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Curl up with a mug of hot chocolate and a warm mince pie for the perfect festive read this holiday season!</p> <p><strong>‘I wish I could live your life. I’d happily swap lives with you.’</strong></p> <p>’Tis the season to be jolly but for Calvin and Judy the usual festive bickering has already begun! Judy’s convinced that her husband has it easy ? no glittery wrapping paper, no playground goss・・・(以下省略)
梵谷兄弟【電子書籍】[ 黛博拉?海莉曼 ] 梵谷兄弟【電子書籍】[ 黛博拉?海莉曼 ] 1,408 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>我們終於讀到一本平易近人、有人情?度的梵谷傳記</strong></p> <p>★ 普林茲文學獎銀牌獎<br /> ★ 亞馬遜書店藝術家傳記類排行榜TOP 1<br /> ★ 權威媒體一致評選「年度最佳圖書」!《出版人週刊》、《科克斯書評》、《學校圖書館學報》、《號角書》雜誌、《童書中心告示牌月刊》、BookPage網站、紐約公共圖書館……<br /> ★ 青少年圖書館服務協會非小?類卓越讀物獎<br /> ★ 波士頓全球報號角書獎<br /> ★ 童書作家與插畫家協會(SCBWI)金風箏獎<br /> ★ Cybils兒童與青少年部落格文學獎非小?類</p> <p><strong>經過人生的起伏,他們仍舊緊緊相?。</strong><br /> <strong>超越了兄弟,超越了朋友。</strong><br /> <strong>他們是命運的伴侶。</strong・・・(以下省略)
Secrets at Toplingham Manor【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] Secrets at Toplingham Manor【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] 597 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Not everything is as it seems! When Roger Dalby’s elderly uncle passes away and leaves him Toplingham Manor, he isn’t quite prepared for what happens next. Unknown to him, his best friend Duggie finds a use for the second floor that his Uncle Eustace certainly wouldn’t have expected… But the further Duggie immerses himself into one of the oldest and most secretive professions around, the more h・・・(以下省略)
雪人(奈斯博作品集4) Snomannen【電子書籍】[ 尤.奈斯博(Jo Nesbo) ] 雪人(奈斯博作品集4) Snomannen【電子書籍】[ 尤.奈斯博(Jo Nesbo) ] 1,064 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>◎?威排行榜Top 1,?聯榜上超過 50 週</p> <p>◎瑞典排行榜Top 2</p> <p>◎榮獲?威書店業者大獎「年度最佳?威小?」,以及?威讀書?樂部大獎</p> <p>◎《紐約時報》Top 9、《洛杉磯時報》Top 3、「獨立書商協會」Top 2、《出版人週刊》Top 11</p> <p>◎2011年英國Amazon暢銷榜,入選「理?與茱蒂讀書?樂部」選書</p> <p>◎2011年美國Amazon 推理懸疑類Best 10</p> <p>◎2012年都柏林文學獎初選入圍</p> <p><strong>國際知名導演馬丁</strong>**.**<strong>史科西斯即將執導改編電影</strong></p> <p><strong>國際暢銷推理大師 麥可</strong>**.**<strong>康納利</strong></p> <p><strong>黒色警探小?之王・・・(以下省略)
The Ancestor Series of Adventure Thrillers: 2-Book Set: (Book I: The Mountain Place of Knowledge; Book II: The Ice Cap and the Rift)【電子書籍】[ Marshall Chamberlain ] The Ancestor Series of Adventure Thrillers: 2-Book Set: (Book I: The Mountain Place of Knowledge; Book II: The Ice Cap and the Rift)【電子書籍】[ Marshall Chamberlain ] 924 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>If you like action adventure thrillers like Indiana Jones, or books by Nelson DeMille, or James Rollins and the Sigma Force, you will love the books of the Ancestor Series of adventure thrillers. They will keep you turning the pages.</p> <p>Book I, The Mountain Place of Knowledge, was named “Best Action & Adventure Thriller for 2013” by Foreword Reviews.</p> <p>"Masterful blend of reality w・・・(以下省略)
The Good Mistake Hemsworth Brothers Book 3, #3【電子書籍】[ Haleigh Lovell ] The Good Mistake Hemsworth Brothers Book 3, #3【電子書籍】[ Haleigh Lovell ] 500 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>From the <em><strong>New York Times</strong> &</em> ***USA Today***bestselling author, Haleigh Lovell, comes a sexy romantic comedy.</p> <p>"Edric and Lucy are probably my favorite couple in the Hemsworth Brothers series. You will love them so much. I really couldn't put this one down. This is a need-to one-click book." ~ B.Wise, Zon Top 1K Reviewer</p> <p>"This book will give you a major c・・・(以下省略)
To Provence, with Love【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] To Provence, with Love【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] 711 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Escape to the south of France with this perfect feel-good summer romance!</p> <p><em>Anything is possible…</em></p> <p>Struggling writer Faye Carter just can’t believe her luck. She’s off to Provence to write the autobiography of a famous film star and she’ll be staying in the stunning chateau!</p> <p>So when she meets charming (and completely gorgeous) lavender farmer, Gavin, she knows that sh・・・(以下省略)
EYE for an EYE The Pearl & The Sword Book-Two【電子書籍】[ William Gorski ] EYE for an EYE The Pearl & The Sword Book-Two【電子書籍】[ William Gorski ] 1,200 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>An Ancient Scroll reveals the cryptic and apocalyptic words articulated by Queen Leahanna’s late husband K’Thilladorn as seen in a vision moments before his untimely death. His words contain an ominous ring. A prophetical warning predicting future events. For it is the time of the full Blood Moon. It would be a time long anticipated by Evil. A time when a Key would unlock the pathway to wickedn・・・(以下省略)
Wedding Bells at Butterfly Cove (Butterfly Cove, Book 2)【電子書籍】[ Sarah Bennett ] Wedding Bells at Butterfly Cove (Butterfly Cove, Book 2)【電子書籍】[ Sarah Bennett ] 452 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>‘Delightfully romantic and touching.’ <em>Phillipa Ashley</em></p> <p><strong>A second chance by the sea?</strong></p> <p>When Kiki Jackson’s marriage falls to pieces, there’s only one place that she knows she can escape to ? her sister’s little guesthouse in Butterfly Cove.</p> <p>But she’s worried that turning up on bride-to-be Mia’s doorstep, especially with her two adorable children in tow,・・・(以下省略)

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