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Managing Transitions Erfolgreich durch ?berg?nge und Ver?nderungen f?hren【電子書籍】[ William Bridges ] Managing Transitions Erfolgreich durch ?berg?nge und Ver?nderungen f?hren【電子書籍】[ William Bridges ] 2,800 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>?Als Managing Transitions vor 25 Jahren zum ersten Mal erschien, kam es genau zum richtigen Zeitraum. Doch heute, in Zeiten beispiellosen Wandels und ?bergange, ist es relevanter denn je. Das tiefe Verst?ndnis der Autoren dar?ber, wie wir heute die destabilisierenden Kr?fte der Ver?nderung wahrnehmen, ihre Strategien, den Menschen zu helfen, dass die ?berg?nge gelingen, sind so bedeutsam.“<・・・(以下省略)
失控的轟炸:人道與人性的交戰,造就二戰最漫長的一夜(含21幅珍貴?史圖片) The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, A Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War【電子書籍】[ 麥爾坎.葛拉威爾 ] 失控的轟炸:人道與人性的交戰,造就二戰最漫長的一夜(含21幅珍貴?史圖片) The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, A Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War【電子書籍】[ 麥爾坎.葛拉威爾 ] 1,245 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>★《紐約時報》、亞馬遜Top 1暢銷書</p> <p>★ iHeartRadio最佳?史類podcast改編成書</p> <p>★《紐約時報》編輯選書:本書唯一的缺點,就是它的篇幅不是兩倍長。</p> <p>★ 21世紀的彼得.杜拉克?《時代》百大影響力人物──麥爾坎.葛拉威爾最新力作</p> <p>「精準轟炸」可以減少無辜平民的傷亡;「無差別轟炸」卻可以使敵軍更快棄甲投降,</p> <p>我們會選擇讓戰爭更人道的科技,或是敵不過想求勝的人性?</p> <p>「看著被火海?噬的城市,彷彿看見地獄的入口。」</p> <p>──一名參與轟炸的美國軍官如此回憶。</p> <p>背上?著嬰孩在逃命的母親,停下來喘氣才發現自己的寶貝已著火;</p> <p>民?緊抓住鐵橋的一角,直到?到他們受不了,只好鬆手墜向死亡;</p> <p>大批的人縱身躍入運河,下場卻是被後續跳入的數百人壓住而溺斃。</・・・(以下省略)
Perfectly Legal The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat E verybody Else【電子書籍】[ David Cay Johnston ] Perfectly Legal The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat E verybody Else【電子書籍】[ David Cay Johnston ] 1,872 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Now updated with a new prologue!</p> <p>Since the mid-1970s, there has been a dramatic shift in America's socioeconomic system, one that has gone virtually unnoticed by the general public. Tax policies and their enforcement have become a disaster, and thanks to discreet lobbying by a segment of the top 1 percent, Washington is reluctant or unable to fix them. The corporate income tax, the estat・・・(以下省略)
Organizational Behavior An Evidence-Based Approach Fourteenth Edition【電子書籍】[ Fred Luthans ] Organizational Behavior An Evidence-Based Approach Fourteenth Edition【電子書籍】[ Fred Luthans ] 9,079 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Contrary to the common saying: we do want you to judge this new edition of Organizational Behavior by its front cover. Specifically, featured is that this is the 14th edition, it takes an "Evidence-Based Approach,” and similar to the previous edition there are now three Luthans authors. This 14th edition is based on the foundation provided by the first mainline text which has become the classic・・・(以下省略)
Who Rules America? The Corporate Rich, White Nationalist Republicans, and Inclusionary Democrats in the 2020s【電子書籍】[ G William Domhoff ] Who Rules America? The Corporate Rich, White Nationalist Republicans, and Inclusionary Democrats in the 2020s【電子書籍】[ G William Domhoff ] 4,400 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The 8th edition, already significantly updated, has now been further updated in 2023 to include the likely impact of the post-pandemic cutbacks, the overturning of Roe v Wade, and the Trump indictments on the 2024 national elections. These factors could lead to more economic growth and social support for families, schools, and health care--or an increase in inequality, white male supremacy, and・・・(以下省略)
Occupy the Economy Challenging Capitalism【電子書籍】[ Richard D. Wolff ] Occupy the Economy Challenging Capitalism【電子書籍】[ Richard D. Wolff ] 1,597 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Today’s economic crisis is capitalism’s worst since the Great Depression. Millions have lost their jobs, homes and healthcare while those who work watch their pensions, benefits and job security decline. As more and more are impacted by the crisis, the system continues to make the very wealthy even richer. In eye-opening interviews with prominent economist Richard Wolff, David Barsamian probes ・・・(以下省略)
風再度吹起(《紐約時報》暢銷榜冠軍?《最好的?》《夜鶯》暢銷名家史詩級新作) The Four Winds【電子書籍】[ 克莉絲汀?漢娜 ] 風再度吹起(《紐約時報》暢銷榜冠軍?《最好的?》《夜鶯》暢銷名家史詩級新作) The Four Winds【電子書籍】[ 克莉絲汀?漢娜 ] 1,478 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>今年最棒的一部小?!──《出版者週刊》</p> <p>《紐約時報》暢銷榜TOP 1 亞馬遜年度好書TOP 5</p> <p>當生命裡最大心靈風暴來襲,帶走希望和活下去的勇氣,</p> <p>?願意付出多少代價,只為了繼續相信、繼續去愛?</p> <p>《最好的?》《夜鶯》暢銷名家最新作品</p> <p>《午夜圖書館》作者、《沼澤女孩》作者聯手推薦</p> <p>★作品暢銷50多國、全球銷售逾20,000,000冊催?女王克莉絲汀?漢娜結合史實與女性情誼的最新作品</p> <p>★Amazon近140,000人次平均4.5顆星高分評價</p> <p>★Goodreads書評網累計超過550,000筆評分</p> <p>★亞馬遜有聲書高達30,000多人次平均4.7分感動美譽</p> <p>★横掃《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》《出版家週刊》《今日美國》《洛杉磯時報》《環球郵報》等各大媒體暢銷・・・(以下省略)
氣候緊急時代來了:從經濟海嘯到瘟疫爆發,認清12大氣候風險與新生存模式 The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming【電子書籍】[ 大衛?華勒斯ー威爾斯 ] 氣候緊急時代來了:從經濟海嘯到瘟疫爆發,認清12大氣候風險與新生存模式 The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming【電子書籍】[ 大衛?華勒斯ー威爾斯 ] 1,129 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>世界更熱、更窮、更多瘟疫,</strong></p> <p><strong>一點?差就能帶來全新病毒、千年一遇的災難,??整個經濟。</strong></p> <p><strong>未來會成長或大倒退?關鍵就在如何成功轉化氣候危機。</strong></p> <p><strong>「至今為止讓人最全面看?氣候變遷的一本書。」</strong></p> <p>★一出版即登上《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜TOP 1<br /> ★《時代》雜誌評選年度100大必讀好書<br /> ★《經濟學人》《紐約客》各大媒體年度推薦選書</p> <p>「氣候變遷加劇帶來的問題,就和無效的貨幣政策、貧富差距一樣,將在未來10年對全球經濟帶來爆炸性威脅。」</p> <p>ー橋水基金創?人Ray Dalio</p> <p>「很棒的一本書,還沒有人能把氣候變遷所代表的意義,如此鮮明的呈現在我們眼前。・・・(以下省略)
Nach ganz oben Von der Uni in die Chef-Etage - die Erfolgsgeheimnisse der Wirtschaftselite【電子書籍】[ David D?bele ] Nach ganz oben Von der Uni in die Chef-Etage - die Erfolgsgeheimnisse der Wirtschaftselite【電子書籍】[ David D?bele ] 1,830 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Der Weg zu den Spitzenjobs der Wirtschaft ist steinig und undurchsichtig: Wie haben es CEOs, Investmentbanker und Private-Equity-Manager nach ganz oben geschafft? Braucht man Bestnoten, Target-Unis, Praktika, Stipendien und reiche Eltern? Wirtschafts-Influencer und Karriereberater David D?bele gibt in seinem ersten Buch einen Einblick in die Welt der Top-1% und zeigt, wie Wirtschaftslenker und ・・・(以下省略)
【限制級】把妹達人123ーー從宅男到型男之路、遊戲規則、完結篇:?定人生下半場(2023新版) The Game / Rules of the Game / The Truth【電子書籍】[ 尼爾?史特勞斯 (Neil Strauss) ] 【限制級】把妹達人123ーー從宅男到型男之路、遊戲規則、完結篇:?定人生下半場(2023新版) The Game / Rules of the Game / The Truth【電子書籍】[ 尼爾?史特勞斯 (Neil Strauss) ] 4,454 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>**如果不在台O電,?會需要這一本!!!<br /> 《把妹達人》三部曲<br /> 改變自己→用對方法→找到真命天女</p> <p>中文版《把妹達人》系列累積銷售突破10萬冊!<br /> 美國亞馬遜書店、紐約時報暢銷榜Top 1!**<br />   我是H,推薦本書給?一位對男女關係感到迷惘的人兒,因為就算是女性,也可以藉由這本書的?容,了解更多男人在面對「追求性愛」時所花費的力氣與腦筋,到底是藉由什麼樣的迴路所驅動!了解異性,也了解自己!ーー作家H</p> <p>  尼爾有一個非常レイ害的安排,就是他在展現完如何巡視、運用招式得到女人後,又描述他及其他巡佐的?心感受,有時描述他們無力完成性行為、童年的陰影或是彼此間流露出的怯弱。透過強弱強弱的安排,降低讀者對於作者的惡感,同時也將他所描述把妹社群當中的所有角色,還原成為一個又一個的「人」。──蔡宜文(專欄作家)</p> <p>・・・(以下省略)
葡萄酒宅神:我在侍酒師世界臥底學到的事 Cork Dork【電子書籍】[ 比昂??波斯克 ] 葡萄酒宅神:我在侍酒師世界臥底學到的事 Cork Dork【電子書籍】[ 比昂??波斯克 ] 1,604 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>{繁體中文第一版《侍酒之人》榮獲OpenBook「美好生活書獎」}</strong></p> <p><strong>{榮獲2018年MFK Fisher烹?寫作卓越獎}</strong></p> <p><strong>{入選2018年美食家葡萄酒寫作獎}</strong></p> <p><strong>{入選2018年William Saroyan國際寫作獎(非?構類)}</strong></p> <p><strong>被譽為「葡萄酒界的《安東尼.波登之廚房機密?案》」、</strong></p> <p><strong>「葡萄酒愛好人士的《神曲》」、「近年來最精采的酒類相關回憶?」</strong></p> <p><strong>一上市便拿擠下分類榜長銷冠軍安東尼.波登著作,</strong></p> <p><strong>榮登「傳記與回憶?美食類」和「料理、食物與酒・・・(以下省略)
Do You Ever See?【電子書籍】[ B. F. Moorman-Fuzi ] Do You Ever See?【電子書籍】[ B. F. Moorman-Fuzi ] 1,404 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The top 1% of the richest people on Earth has more than $26 trillion. Because of their greed, one person in poverty every four seconds die from lack of medicine or food.</p> <p>Casey Olsen is going to put a stop to this!</p> <p>After having distributed millions of dollars from her father to those who need it most, she catches the attention of Morgen Vogel, a high-tech, secretive organisation th・・・(以下省略)
八成是?想太多:?的煩惱不是真正的煩惱,23個鬆?焦慮、緩解壓力與享受當下的練習 Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present【電子書籍】 八成是?想太多:?的煩惱不是真正的煩惱,23個鬆?焦慮、緩解壓力與享受當下的練習 Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present【電子書籍】 1,040 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>★亞馬遜「情緒與心理健康」Top 1暢銷書★</p> <p>人生難免要與焦慮一起上路,<br /> 但別讓焦慮掌控了?的方向盤。</p> <p>想著接下來的20?,不如走好最重要的下一?。<br /> 叫煩惱滾開,不如請它?點再來。<br /> 拉開?與焦慮的距離,才能看清問題的樣貌。<br /> 把放鬆當成待?的事,而非有空才要做的事。</p> <p>當我們開始憂慮,就算安坐在陽光灑落的花園裡,沒有任何立即的危險,<br /> 身體也會有如處在崩潰邊?,心智的力量就是如此驚人。<br /> 當我們想太多,就等於自己描繪了一個令人沮喪的假想世界ーー<br /> 然後把自己?進去。</p> <p>★<br /> ?會不會想太多?</p> <p>想太多的人通常善於編造理由?服自己:我這麼擔心,是為了顧及各方面的周全。不易察覺自己正深陷於焦慮迴圈,請檢視?是否有下列情況:</p> <p>.・・・(以下省略)
學校沒教,但一定要?的地?政治課:從地球儀開始的國際大局觀 13歳からの地政学:カイゾクとの地球儀航海【電子書籍】[ 田中孝幸 ] 學校沒教,但一定要?的地?政治課:從地球儀開始的國際大局觀 13歳からの地政学:カイゾクとの地球儀航海【電子書籍】[ 田中孝幸 ] 1,185 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>亞馬遜日文總榜TOP 2、日文書?史・地理類銷售TOP 1<br /> 從地球儀開始的國際大局觀<br /> 學校沒教,但大人、小孩都該?的世界結構!</strong></p> <p>  跟著海賊先生的地球儀,<br />   航行全球地理 ? 破解國際新聞 ? 掌握世界大局<br />   這本書就是?通往世界的入口!<br />   上市後再刷不斷!狂銷120000+冊!日本超人氣地?政治入門書</p> <p>  為什麼世界貿易主要靠船隻運送貨物?<br />   ?些國家擁有核武?核彈又藏在?裡?<br />   中國等大國為何比其他國家更?望擴張領土?<br />   少數民族為什麼要發起獨立運動?<br />   非洲為什麼貧窮?窮國又要怎麼?貧?<br />   ?個國家擁有世界最幸運的地形?<br />   人人都有可能成為間諜的國家是誰?<br /> ・・・(以下省略)
Overcome Crush Adversity with the Leadership Techniques of America's Toughest Warriors【電子書籍】[ Jason Redman ] Overcome Crush Adversity with the Leadership Techniques of America's Toughest Warriors【電子書籍】[ Jason Redman ] 1,603 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Triumph over adversity using proven Special Operations habits and mindsets with this inspiring guide from retired Navy SEAL and <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author Jason Redman.</strong></p> <p>Adversity can often catch you by surprise and leave you struggling with what to do next. What if you could confront any adversity, from the biggest challenges -- the loss of your job, divo・・・(以下省略)
Parenting, Family Policy and Children's Well-Being in an Unequal Society A New Culture War for Parents【電子書籍】[ D. Hartas ] Parenting, Family Policy and Children's Well-Being in an Unequal Society A New Culture War for Parents【電子書籍】[ D. Hartas ] 6,076 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Western societies face many challenges. The growing inequality and the diminishing role of the welfare state and the rapid accumulation of the resources of a finite planet at the top 1% have made the world an inhospitable place to many families. Parents are left alone to deal with the big societal problems and reverse their impact on their children's educational achievement and life chances. Th・・・(以下省略)
Resonance Unleash your brand's potential with video【電子書籍】[ George Hughes ] Resonance Unleash your brand's potential with video【電子書籍】[ George Hughes ] 1,020 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>For most marketers, video projects are an expensive, stressful waste of time. Yet the 1% that get it right enjoy phenomenal results.</p> <p>This book will enable you to create video content that actually resonates with your customers and will make them fall in love with your brand, every time.</p> <p>As a lifelong video fan, and founder of Small Films, George Hughes has been a filmmaker ever si・・・(以下省略)
The Top 1%: Habits, Attitudes & Strategies for Exceptional Success TOP 1% 5D [ Dan Strutzel ] The Top 1%: Habits, Attitudes & Strategies for Exceptional Success TOP 1% 5D [ Dan Strutzel ] 4,752 円
TOP 1% 5D Dan Strutzel Dale Carnegie &. Associates GILDAN MEDIA2017 Compact Disc English ISBN:9781469031897 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp
#HTSP - How to Self-Publish【電子書籍】[ Eric Otis Simmons ] #HTSP - How to Self-Publish【電子書籍】[ Eric Otis Simmons ] 567 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>#HTSP ? How to Self-Publish</strong> is a concise 93-page “how-to” book that can be used as a resource or “primer” by first-time self publishers and others interested in self publishing. Simmons shares the methodology he used for his successful self published Memoir, “Not Far From The Tree” that, in its first year, ranked in the “Top 1%” in sales on 25 times, was in the “Top ・・・(以下省略)
Nila's Perfect Coat【電子書籍】[ Norene Paulson ] Nila's Perfect Coat【電子書籍】[ Norene Paulson ] 1,922 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"> <tbody> <tr style="height:15pt;"> <td style="width:536pt;padding:0.75pt 0.75pt 0pt 0.75pt;border-top:1pt #000000 solid;border-right:1pt #000000 solid;border-bottom:1pt #000000 solid;border-left:1pt #000000 solid;"><p><a rel="nofollow"></a><span>Nila and her mom </span><span style="font-style:italic;">love</span><span> shopping at the thrift store. But when・・・(以下省略)

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