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Sales Success Stories - 60 Stories from 20 Top 1% Sales Professionals【電子書籍】[ Scott Ingram ] Sales Success Stories - 60 Stories from 20 Top 1% Sales Professionals【電子書籍】[ Scott Ingram ] 1,212 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Want to learn the insider secrets of the top 1% sales achievers? Discover the inspiring techniques of 20 sales VIPs so you can climb the ranks and bring in the biggest commissions of your career.</strong></p> <p>Fed up with the same old sales results? Tired of advice from so-called sales gurus who don't actually sell for a living? Want to learn closing techniques from real-world doers? ・・・(以下省略)
Poverty Shall No Longer Knock at Thy Door The Roadmap to Success【電子書籍】[ Bishop Dr. Roy D. Ferguson ] Poverty Shall No Longer Knock at Thy Door The Roadmap to Success【電子書籍】[ Bishop Dr. Roy D. Ferguson ] 468 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A riveting account on one mans journey from poverty to a wealthy place by recounting his life experiences recorded in 3 streams; personal life, spiritual development and career development. The story is framed by a complete definition of poverty as an ugly evil spirit then directly highlights success as a wonderful, powerful experience in life. Once the stage is set for success, a roadmap of su・・・(以下省略)
翻倍效率工作術 - 不會就太可惜的Power BI大數據視覺圖表設計與分析(第三版)【電子書籍】[ トウ文淵 ] 翻倍效率工作術 - 不會就太可惜的Power BI大數據視覺圖表設計與分析(第三版)【電子書籍】[ トウ文淵 ] 1,656 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>【博客來連續5年年度百大暢銷書,同主題累積銷售Top 1】</p> <p>【強力推薦】謝邦昌 / 輔仁大學副校長、台灣人工智慧發展學會理事長<br /> 蘇書平 / 資訊科技管理顧問公司 先行智庫執行長<br /> 王恩キ / 台灣碩軟 SoftwareONE 總經理</p> <p>用1張圖,?1000字!大數據商業數字解讀更簡單!<br /> 提升資料視覺化效率!掌握 Power BI 的 AI 視覺化智慧分析、善用熱門工具 ChatGPT</p> <p>?行銷企劃、業務開發、統計預測、剖析財務、銷售分析、市場需求、解析銷售、洞察機會、解讀趨勢、?局未來<br /> ?不?函數、巨集、程式怎麼??用 Power BI 建立動態報表,讓老?與客?眼睛一亮<br /> ?高效率多元化的互動式視覺圖表竟然這麼容易,套用現成的視覺效果就很專業<br /> ?正確決策才能開闢新商機,搭配 P・・・(以下省略)
All Together Now Common Sense for a Fair Economy【電子書籍】[ Jared Bernstein ] All Together Now Common Sense for a Fair Economy【電子書籍】[ Jared Bernstein ] 1,283 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>As the new century unfolds, we face a host of economic and social challenges--jobs lost to "off shoring," a huge and growing number of Americans without health insurance coverage, an expanding gap between rich and poor, stagnant wages, decaying public schools, and many others. These are difficult and complex problems, but our government's strategy for dealing with them has been essentially not ・・・(以下省略)
ProjectTalk Over 100 Project Management Professional Tips, Techniques and Best Practices【電子書籍】[ Ruffin Veal ] ProjectTalk Over 100 Project Management Professional Tips, Techniques and Best Practices【電子書籍】[ Ruffin Veal ] 1,938 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>What’s different about ProjectTalk? Unlike the majority of project management material that focuses on the framework and classical structure of managing a project, ProjectTalk takes a different approach. Our signature statement says it all: “Real world challenges require real world solutions provided by real world practitioners”. That’s ProjectTalk. Inexperienced in our profession? Experiencing・・・(以下省略)
Yuna's Cardboard Castles【電子書籍】[ Marie Tang ] Yuna's Cardboard Castles【電子書籍】[ Marie Tang ] 1,922 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"> <tbody> <tr style="height:15pt;"> <td style="width:536pt;padding:0.75pt 0.75pt 0pt 0.75pt;border-top:1pt #000000 solid;border-right:1pt #000000 solid;border-bottom:1pt #000000 solid;border-left:1pt #000000 solid;"><p><a rel="nofollow"></a><span style="font-weight:bold;">Fold, fit, tuck . . .<br></span><span> <br></span><span>Yuna and her family have just m・・・(以下省略)
【中古】 大阪経済法科大学 2018 / 教学社編集部 / 教学社 [単行本]【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】 【中古】 大阪経済法科大学 2018 / 教学社編集部 / 教学社 [単行本]【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】 338 円
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擁抱B選項 Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy【電子書籍】[ 雪柔?桑徳伯格 Sheryl Sandberg ] 擁抱B選項 Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy【電子書籍】[ 雪柔?桑徳伯格 Sheryl Sandberg ] 1,189 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>面對人生無法避免的失去與傷痛</strong></p> <p><strong>我們仍可以鍛??性,重新發現幸福</strong></p> <p><strong>★<strong><strong>紐約時報暢銷榜</strong></strong>Top 1</strong></p> <p><strong>★<strong><strong>亞馬遜</strong></strong>2017<strong><strong>年度好書/分類暢榜</strong></strong>Top 1</strong></p> <p><strong>Facebook<strong><strong>臉書營運長雪柔.桑徳伯格</strong></strong>Sheryl Sandberg</strong></p> <p><strong>與華頓商學院教授亞當.格蘭特<strong><stron・・・(以下省略)
ChatGPT與AI繪圖效率大師(第二版):添加GPT-4、Bing Chat、ChatGPT plugins等全新章節,從日常到職場全方位應用,打造AI極簡新生活【電子書籍】[ 林鼎淵(Dean Lin) ] ChatGPT與AI繪圖效率大師(第二版):添加GPT-4、Bing Chat、ChatGPT plugins等全新章節,從日常到職場全方位應用,打造AI極簡新生活【電子書籍】[ 林鼎淵(Dean Lin) ] 2,206 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>全台第一本 ChatGPT 應用解析專書《ChatGPT 與 AI 繪圖效率大師》<br /> 甫一上市即造成熱烈搶購!市場上一度缺貨!<br /> 榮登天瓏、博客來等暢銷榜行榜的 Top 1!<br /> 現在加入 5 個全新章節,?所期待的第二版隆重上市!</p> <p>新版増加讓 ChatGPT 更接近專家的 GPT-4、撼動搜尋引ケイ生態的 Bing Chat、打破限制創造更多應用的 ChatGPT plugins,同時也在原版?容加入更多實用技巧和案例,讓讀者充分掌握最即時的熱門新知!</p> <p>筆者相信,人不會被 AI 取代,只會被懶惰和守舊的想法取代,<br /> 無論過去、現在、未來,跟不上時代的??就只能等著被淘汰。<br /> 此時掌握 AI 工具的人將獲得最多時代紅利!</p> <p>工作時間是否被非本職的雜務、<br /> 瑣碎的公文和 Email 給?噬・・・(以下省略)
一筆入魂:怡慧老師的創作人生課!【電子書籍】[ 宋怡慧 ] 一筆入魂:怡慧老師的創作人生課!【電子書籍】[ 宋怡慧 ] 1,040 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>世界再黒暗,</strong></p> <p><strong>都能靠寫作逆轉!</strong></p> <p><strong>創作者的案頭聖經,?讀者的夢幻筆記,</strong></p> <p><strong>台灣<strong><strong>TOP 1</strong></strong>教師暢銷作家最強文字思考術!</strong></p> <p>只要能讀,?就能寫。</p> <p>能寫的人,就可以被看見;</p> <p>一字一句,創造自己的機遇!</p> <p>.<strong>創作的世界不存在神人,只有「刻意練習」的普通人?</strong></p> <p>.<strong>提筆時的「靈光一閃」並不是偶然,而是平時累積的必然?</strong></p> <p>.<strong>寫作不只能讓?成為時間管理大師,還能像企業家一樣思考?</strong></p>・・・(以下省略)
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The 6% Life 7 Legal Tax Loopholes That Any Business Owner Can Use to Design Their Life and Pay the Government 6% or Less【電子書籍】[ Shauna A. Wekherlien CPA ] The 6% Life 7 Legal Tax Loopholes That Any Business Owner Can Use to Design Their Life and Pay the Government 6% or Less【電子書籍】[ Shauna A. Wekherlien CPA ] 132 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>The 6% Life</em> is a way for business owners and entrepreneurs to reduce their taxes to pay 6% or less every year by using the same strategies, tactics, and day-to-day financial changes that Shauna cultivated over her last 25 years in becoming a leader in the art of tax reduction, ranked in the Top 1% in the USA.</p> <p>This book guides you on the top seven tax strategies, how to use them ・・・(以下省略)
Fortnite Battle Royale - Les Secrets de l'?le T02 (ePub)【電子書籍】[ Cara J. Stevens ] Fortnite Battle Royale - Les Secrets de l'?le T02 (ePub)【電子書籍】[ Cara J. Stevens ] 1,320 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>L'univers <em>Fortnite</em> d?barque en librairie !</p> <p>Les membres de la section I-28, les " Improbables ", continuent ? s'entra?ner pour devenir les meilleurs et atteindre le top 1. Le probl?me, c'est que Blaze, leur ancienne co?quipi?re, cherche ? les ?vincer par tous les moyens possibles. Pas facile pour les quatre amis de garder la t?te froide dans ces conditions. Plus troublant encore ・・・(以下省略)
Secrets at Toplingham Manor【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] Secrets at Toplingham Manor【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ] 597 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Not everything is as it seems! When Roger Dalby’s elderly uncle passes away and leaves him Toplingham Manor, he isn’t quite prepared for what happens next. Unknown to him, his best friend Duggie finds a use for the second floor that his Uncle Eustace certainly wouldn’t have expected… But the further Duggie immerses himself into one of the oldest and most secretive professions around, the more h・・・(以下省略)
行銷力超實用圖鑑:一看就?的行銷入門超圖解!數位新時代下通用的經典法則,到社群經營全蒐?的超圖解指南 世界&日本の販売戦略がイラストでわかる最新マーケティング図【電子書籍】 行銷力超實用圖鑑:一看就?的行銷入門超圖解!數位新時代下通用的經典法則,到社群經營全蒐?的超圖解指南 世界&日本の販売戦略がイラストでわかる最新マーケティング図【電子書籍】 1,333 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>DAGMAR理論、藍海策略、4P、STP、AISARE……</p> <p>身處數位社群時代,?該知道的行銷基本概念!</p> <p>亞馬遜、LINE、Netflix……由小公司創造出暢銷全世界的技術大全</p> <p>如何讓商品「賣到翻過去」的技巧,本書一網打盡!</p> <p>★超圖解★清楚介紹各式各樣的銷售策略</p> <p>提供88項方法概念</p> <p>即使從未學過行銷,也能輕鬆學會!</p> <p>★上市即竄上日本網路書店Honto行銷廣告類排行榜TOP 1★</p> <p>POINT 1|一頁文字一頁插圖,?讀完文字後立刻有插圖參考,方便整理思緒及想像。</p> <p>POINT 2|基礎經典到最新行銷理論,一次蒐羅!</p> <p>POINT 3|企業案例貼近日常生活,行銷不只是商業概念,更是學會如何展現自己!</p> <p>過去以電視媒體為主軸的行銷重心,現在已經轉・・・(以下省略)
雪人(奈斯博作品集4) Snomannen【電子書籍】[ 尤.奈斯博(Jo Nesbo) ] 雪人(奈斯博作品集4) Snomannen【電子書籍】[ 尤.奈斯博(Jo Nesbo) ] 1,064 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>◎?威排行榜Top 1,?聯榜上超過 50 週</p> <p>◎瑞典排行榜Top 2</p> <p>◎榮獲?威書店業者大獎「年度最佳?威小?」,以及?威讀書?樂部大獎</p> <p>◎《紐約時報》Top 9、《洛杉磯時報》Top 3、「獨立書商協會」Top 2、《出版人週刊》Top 11</p> <p>◎2011年英國Amazon暢銷榜,入選「理?與茱蒂讀書?樂部」選書</p> <p>◎2011年美國Amazon 推理懸疑類Best 10</p> <p>◎2012年都柏林文學獎初選入圍</p> <p><strong>國際知名導演馬丁</strong>**.**<strong>史科西斯即將執導改編電影</strong></p> <p><strong>國際暢銷推理大師 麥可</strong>**.**<strong>康納利</strong></p> <p><strong>黒色警探小?之王・・・(以下省略)
Synthesis: Volume 3【電子書籍】[ Shahbaz Fazal ] Synthesis: Volume 3【電子書籍】[ Shahbaz Fazal ] 316 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>VOLUME 3</p> <p>Volumes three to five are mainly the big picture polemical chapters related by White-Dove, a mythical talking bird who also takes us on a flight of fancy over Havana, as she explains E=mc? in easy bite-size terms. And there’s a second, ending to the five escapees’ story.</p> <p>The 2008 banking crash and banking is exposed and linked with a 40-year neoliberal project, transferri・・・(以下省略)
The Problem With Potential How to Stop Overthinking and Get Out of Your Own Way【電子書籍】[ Joseph R Ignace ] The Problem With Potential How to Stop Overthinking and Get Out of Your Own Way【電子書籍】[ Joseph R Ignace ] 1,702 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Overcome your problems, build confidence, and live an impactful life.</strong></p> <p><em>The Problem With Potential: How to Stop Overthinking and Get Out of Your Own Way</em> by Joe Ignace is a groundbreaking self-help book that delves into the challenges that hold us back from realizing our true potential. In this transformative work, Joe Ignace, serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker, ・・・(以下省略)
興奮醫學事件簿:精子不是新鮮的,處女沒有膜!喝可樂骨頭會融化?出乎意料的人體妙研究 アリエナイ医学事典【電子書籍】[ 亞留間次郎 ] 興奮醫學事件簿:精子不是新鮮的,處女沒有膜!喝可樂骨頭會融化?出乎意料的人體妙研究 アリエナイ医学事典【電子書籍】[ 亞留間次郎 ] 1,422 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>★★★★★ 日本Amazon暢銷第一名 ★★★★★</p> <p>5顆星好評推薦</p> <p>?民網友激動拜讀,不可思議杏林?祕</p> <p>破解流言,看穿偽醫學!秒?禁藥、毒品</p> <p>異常性慾、抗癌神樂、被隱藏醫療事故……</p> <p>性慾太強是不是一種病?</p> <p>前列腺按摩=抓龍筋?是合法的 !?</p> <p>穿越時空的「仁醫」是否真有其事?</p> <p>遭到攻?「?他蛋蛋」屬於正當防衛??</p> <p>醫學上認定「可以性交的年齡」是幾??</p> <p>不?性教育,?媽又沒教的下場,竟是……</p> <p>眼睛不好要多吃藍莓?洗腦宣傳可以讓假的變真的?</p> <p>日本特殊類新聞網站,超科學文章連載+點?率TOP 1</p> <p>甫出版就暢銷,?得一窺究竟的醫病知識&傳?探討!</p> <p>「巨乳蘿莉」、「瘋狂假面」、「強制射精」需要崇拜??<・・・(以下省略)
<p>The Whole Man Project is your ultimate guide to:</p> <p>? Learn how to think, train, and achieve like the top 1%.</p> <p>? Win the pursuit of military athlete excellence.</p> <p>? Gain insight on how to sharpen your goal setting and accomplishment.</p> <p>? Develop elite-level decision-making skills and discipline.</p> <p>? Synchronize the mind, body, and spirit to reach peak performance.</p> <・・・(以下省略)

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