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Real Talk: Lessons in Uncommon Sense Nurturing Potential & Inspiring Excellence in Young People【電子書籍】[ Adolph Brown ] Real Talk: Lessons in Uncommon Sense Nurturing Potential & Inspiring Excellence in Young People【電子書籍】[ Adolph Brown ] 774 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Dr. Adolph Brown has been reviewed and rated as a top-ranked educator and trainer from America's best colleges and universities. He is in the top 1% of world-class scholar teachers based on teaching performance, teaching awards, published evaluations, newspaper write-ups, and other sources. Doc's lectures are often described as that once-in-a-lifetime experience. As a Master Teacher, Doc is a g・・・(以下省略)
When you are Super-Rich, who can you Trust?【電子書籍】[ Caroline Garnham ] When you are Super-Rich, who can you Trust?【電子書籍】[ Caroline Garnham ] 794 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Caroline Garnham, a former leading private client lawyer was head of Simmons &Simmons private client practice for fifteen years. She was nominated as one of the top five leading private client lawyers in 2011 and was a contributor for the Financial Times for twelve years on tax and trusts. Caroline pioneered the area of law now known as Family Governance.</p> <p>This book draws on her exten・・・(以下省略)
Fit Body - Fit Business【電子書籍】[ Adam Strong ] Fit Body - Fit Business【電子書籍】[ Adam Strong ] 794 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>As a former training partner of multi-Olympic gold medal champion Mo Farah, Adam Strong knows what it takes to transform ‘good’ athletes into world-class top 1% winners.</p> <p>Adam Strong works with a variety of organisations from up-and-coming SMEs to major companies. By applying<br /> those same elite athlete time-management, team-building and physical and mental health training techniques t・・・(以下省略)
Better Than 99%【電子書籍】[ ] Better Than 99%【電子書籍】[ ] 800 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Being better than 99% isn't impossible. Everyone can accomplish and become a part of the top 1%. This book goes over common steps and techniques used by the Top 1% of people, going over crucial steps and techniques you should implement during your self-transformation journey.<br /> "Better Than 99%" is a compelling guidebook that promises to unveil the secrets and strategies utilized by history・・・(以下省略)
Amazon FBA: The Step-by-Step Guide to Turn Beginners into Best Sellers【電子書籍】[ Abraham Morris ] Amazon FBA: The Step-by-Step Guide to Turn Beginners into Best Sellers【電子書籍】[ Abraham Morris ] 800 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>Would you LIKE to tap into the most lucrative business model currently available online?</strong></p> <p><em>You are here to definitely change your life.</em></p> <p>Maybe you don't have enough time to spend with your family, pursuing your passions, enjoying the living of your dream.</p> <p>Whether you are already a business owner or you are working a regular 9-5 job, you need a proven ・・・(以下省略)
?的身體就是最好的健身房.90天挑戰計畫(附自我挑戰成功日誌)【電子書籍】[ 馬克.羅倫(Mark Lauren)、尤利安.蓋林斯基(Julian Galinski) ] ?的身體就是最好的健身房.90天挑戰計畫(附自我挑戰成功日誌)【電子書籍】[ 馬克.羅倫(Mark Lauren)、尤利安.蓋林斯基(Julian Galinski) ] 844 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>從美國風靡至歐陸,全球銷售突破150萬<br /> 榮登徳國亞馬遜Top 1,引爆台灣健身書熱潮<br /> YouTube最多人觀看的專業教練<br /> 1書 + 1日誌 超?優惠<br /> 美軍特種部隊王牌教練回來了!最專業的徒手重訓計畫表,<br /> 讓?1個月身材體態超有感,90天大改造、?胎換骨!<br /> 女性重點鍛?腹、臀、腿三大部位,練出緊實翹臀、修長大腿、平坦小腹<br /> 效率更勝以往,適合新手進入、有經驗者加強。<br /> 照表操課,擁有前所未有的美麗、健康和自信,跟著做就對了!<br /> 用?擁有的身體<br /> 挑戰這一生最勇敢的健身計畫<br /> 打造?所夢想的健康與美麗<br /> 不花會員費,不必聘教練,不用買器材,隨時隨地,省時、省錢、省空間<br /> 「自我挑戰成功」日誌,32開,96頁(永久贈品)<br /> 王牌教練量身打造・・・(以下省略)
行為的藝術:52個非受迫性行為偏誤【電子書籍】[ 魯爾夫.杜伯里(Rolf Dobelli) ] 行為的藝術:52個非受迫性行為偏誤【電子書籍】[ 魯爾夫.杜伯里(Rolf Dobelli) ] 849 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>◆繼傳奇暢銷書《思考的藝術》後,再度問鼎各大排行榜<br /> ◆徳國亞馬遜思考類、社會學習類、大?心理類TOP 1!《明鏡週刊》聲勢不墜!<br /> ◆全徳最受矚目的作家,無數讀者殷切期待的最新力作<br /> 為什麼硬給個爛理由,也可以是理由?<br /> 為什麼「最後的機會」總是讓人失去理智?<br /> 如何不費吹灰之力,就交出亮眼的成績單?<br /> 為什麼危機極少成為轉機?為什麼?偶爾該分散注意力?<br /> 原來我們習慣拿「新」東西取代「好」東西……<br /> 我們?對無法掌握成功跟幸福的要素,但肯定知道破壞成功或幸福的原因,與其想著如何獲得幸福,不如深諳如何避開不幸,事情可能容易得多。<br /> 不必熟練太多投機取巧的計謀,不必???下生硬難?的新觀念,更不必過度作為,?需要的只是少笨一點!<br /> 以一貫機智風趣的語調,與清晰懇切的陳述,杜柏里這次將帶・・・(以下省略)
Arms Control and Missile Defense: Explaining Success and Failure in U.S. - Russian Cooperation - ABM, INF Treaties, Ballistic Missile Defense, Putin's Siloviki, KGB Cadre, Intellectual Entrepreneurs【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ] Arms Control and Missile Defense: Explaining Success and Failure in U.S. - Russian Cooperation - ABM, INF Treaties, Ballistic Missile Defense, Putin's Siloviki, KGB Cadre, Intellectual Entrepreneurs【電子書籍】[ Progressive Management ] 850 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This report has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. Russia can no longer be considered a world superpower, but it remains a great power in terms of strategic global security. Russia's importance is based on its nuclear arsenal and permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. This research analyzed arms control and ballistic missile defen・・・(以下省略)
打電話就賣3億:講對了,什麼都能賣,傳奇業務的高成交話術 電話だけで3億円売った伝説のセールスマンが教えるお金と心を動かす会話術: 自己紹介からクロージングまで【電子書籍】 打電話就賣3億:講對了,什麼都能賣,傳奇業務的高成交話術 電話だけで3億円売った伝説のセールスマンが教えるお金と心を動かす会話術: 自己紹介からクロージングまで【電子書籍】 862 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>★獻給所有的業務員,一本打動人心、讓客?歡喜購買的對話秘笈!<br /> ★沒交情、沒見過面,光是打電話就創造3億業績!<br /> ★各行各業都適用,含9大銷售心法、4大對話訣竅、6大提問法、OK和NG話術對照示範,一目了然,易學易記!</p> <p><strong>賣太好了,真是不好意思!!!</strong><br /> <strong>當業務第2年即登上世界銷售第1寶座,傳奇Top Sales首度公開,獨家勸敗話術!</strong><br /> <strong>電話行銷、汽車業、人力仲介、醫美整形、壽險、房地?……各行各業都適用的?話之道,讓超級業務員不斷出線!</strong></p> <p><strong>◎來自淺川行銷話術講座學員們的感謝</strong></p> <p>「多虧了淺川先生的建議,我從2015年度開始,連續3年獲得頂尖業務評鑑第1名。」──(平澤賢治/L・・・(以下省略)
Summary of Be the Unicorn【電子書籍】[ Rae Treasure ] Summary of Be the Unicorn【電子書籍】[ Rae Treasure ] 877 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In the book “BE THE UNICORN" you will discover the top twelve soft skills the most successful leaders, the top 1%, have. Understand how to develop these soft skills in your own life for better job success. Learn how to apply soft skills to interpersonal relationships outside of work. Understand how these soft skills can be applied in different work environments and job fields, especially with t・・・(以下省略)
THE AMAZING SALES SECRET THAT EARNS YOU 6- 7 FIGURES WITHIN 7 DAYS Unlock the strategies and Techniques Successful Salespeople Use To Consistently HitHigh-income Goals THE AMAZING SALES SECRET THAT EARNS YOU 6- 7 FIGURES WITHIN 7 DAYS Unlock the strategies and Techniques Successful Salespeople Use To Consistently HitHigh-income Goals"【電子書籍】[ MARCUS VAN SKYLVA ] 877 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Introducing "Six-Figure Sales Secrets: The Amazing Guide to Earn you Your 6- 7 Figure within a Week and Earning in the Top 1% of Salespeople." Surprised isn't it?</p> <p>This book is the ultimate guide to unlocking the strategies and techniques successful salespeople use to consistently hit high-income goals.</p> <p>Sales is a challenging and rewarding profession. It requires a combination of s・・・(以下省略)
片斷人間:?、酒店公關與乘夜行巴士私奔的女子,關於孤獨與相遇的社會學 断片的なものの社会学【電子書籍】[ 岸 政彦(Kishi Masahiko) ] 片斷人間:?、酒店公關與乘夜行巴士私奔的女子,關於孤獨與相遇的社會學 断片的なものの社会学【電子書籍】[ 岸 政彦(Kishi Masahiko) ] 881 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>第6回紀伊國屋人文大賞TOP 1!</strong><br /> <strong>★入圍芥川獎的社會學家首部田野人生隨筆集★</strong><br /> <strong>★一本擁抱「無意義」的生命之書★</strong></p> <p><strong>很久沒遇到一本,令我這麼捨不得讀完的書了。</strong><br /> <strong>──上野千鶴子/社會學家,著有《厭女》、《一個人的老後》</strong></p> <p><strong>我們的生活明明和這麼多人?生交集,</strong><br /> <strong>為何?個人在自己的大腦裡,卻都是孤伶伶的一個人?</strong></p> <p>隱身於日本社會的沖繩人、部落民與在日朝鮮人;<br /> 遺忘於陽光下的黒?小??、酒店公關與易妝者;<br /> 不斷送盆栽的老??,頭上穿洞的泥巴小?,乘夜行巴・・・(以下省略)
Contained in Love Reclaiming Your Feminine Power as a Wife and Mother【電子書籍】[ Mina Irfan ] Contained in Love Reclaiming Your Feminine Power as a Wife and Mother【電子書籍】[ Mina Irfan ] 882 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>"This book was easy to read and full of practical wisdom and advice that can be applied almost immediately. Thank you Mina." - Kirsy</p> <p>"Mina has a very kind, straightforward way of speaking that both inspires and motivates you to make positive changes in your life. She focuses on wise introspection to create the life you want to have. She teaches unique mindsets that have immediate effects・・・(以下省略)
29張當票3:門簾外的人生鑑定【電子書籍】[ 秦嗣林 ] 29張當票3:門簾外的人生鑑定【電子書籍】[ 秦嗣林 ] 886 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>◎狂銷!系列累積銷售突破200,000冊<br /> ◎TOP 1!勇奪誠品、博客來、金石堂等各大書局銷售冠軍<br /> ◎系列動人最終作!《29張當票》當舖故事系列完結作品<br /> 當舖,交易的地方,<br /> 交換的,是?個人的人生滋味。<br /> 那些上門來典當的人,<br /> 抵押的其實不只是有形的物品,<br /> 典當更多的,其實是他們的人生故事。<br /> 在?上儀器面前的物品,<br /> 朝奉鑑定的也不只是?偽真假,<br /> 辨識更多的,是一個人的生命意義。<br /> 典當一件物品,換回了一個滋味;<br /> 收下一張當票,支出了一頁人生;<br /> 帶走一疊鈔票,留下了一段故事。<br /> 《29張當票:典當不到的人生?發》講的是在當舖裡,各種典當品所換來的人生體悟;《29張當票2:當舖裡特有的人生風景》?的是在當舖這個獨特的場域,裡頭工・・・(以下省略)
把星星都點亮【電子書籍】[ 肆一 ] 把星星都點亮【電子書籍】[ 肆一 ] 891 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>◎誠品、博客來、金石堂?各大書店TOP 1作家「肆一」首部長篇小?</p> <p>◎肆一最擅長的洞悉人心書寫,結合友情與愛情所交織而成的療癒故事</p> <p>歌手 HUSH、作家 Middle、推理評論人 冬陽、推理評論家 杜鵑窩人、導演 林孝謙、作家 林育徳、作家 凌性傑、導演 馬逸騰、作家 張渝歌、作家 陳栢青、作家 痞子蔡、歌手 魏如イン、偵探書屋探長 譚端ーー共同推薦</p> <p>《把星星都點亮》微電影同?播映,大電影籌備中。</p> <p>「視線的落差。一小個又一小個碎片,我們?個人看到的都是事情的一個部分而已,然後各自解讀,最後就長成了一個跟初始不相同的事。?個人的視線所看到的同一件事,到底有什麼差異?人心的微妙變化又是什麼?這件事對我來?很有趣,所以想用一個很簡單來寫這件事,平凡到就像是會發生在我們身旁的事一樣,然而因為所有的簡單都因為人?雜在其中而變得不簡單。</・・・(以下省略)
喚醒?心中的「魔鬼」!100個超級業務都在用的強勢締結法則【電子書籍】[ 早川 勝 ] 喚醒?心中的「魔鬼」!100個超級業務都在用的強勢締結法則【電子書籍】[ 早川 勝 ] 891 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>全球TOP 1%</strong><br /> <strong>百萬圓?協會(MDRT)頂尖業務經理人 早川 勝</strong><br /> <strong>首次公開!「50種銷售技巧+50個鍛?鐵則」</strong></p> <p>──賣的不是商品,而是?個人的價?──</p> <p><strong>累積千人數據完成的超實用法則</strong><br /> <strong>日本亞馬遜商業理財書籍排行第一</strong><br /> <strong>上市半年即再版30刷!在日本引爆話題的商業新書</strong></p> <p>●拒當「傳統業務員」<br /> 還在對客?低頭哈腰,拜託對方向?買東西??這時的?已經沒有尊嚴了,?需要的是抬頭挺胸、正正當當的心態,藉由「販賣」解決客?的「人生問題」。</p> <p>●「做」就對了<br /> ?的所思所想,就是?・・・(以下省略)
小書痴的下剋上:為了成為圖書管理員不擇手段!【第四部】貴族院的自稱圖書委員III【無特典】 本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~第四部「貴【電子書籍】 小書痴的下剋上:為了成為圖書管理員不擇手段!【第四部】貴族院的自稱圖書委員III【無特典】 本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~第四部「貴【電子書籍】 891 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>連續<strong><strong>3</strong></strong>年高踞「這本輕小?真レイ害」</strong></p> <p><strong>年度單行本<strong><strong>TOP 1 & TOP 2</strong></strong>!</strong></p> <p>隨書附贈:<strong>「<strong><strong>茶會、畢業儀式與神官長的稱讚</strong></strong>」插圖</strong></p> <p>特別收?:<strong>番外篇〈時光流轉與新的約定〉、〈<strong><strong>畢業儀式與祝福之光</strong></strong>〉+〈輕鬆悠間的家族日常〉四格漫畫!</strong></p> <p>隔了好一段時間,羅潔梅茵終於再度回到神殿,但奉獻儀式、印刷事務、無數的會見和文件處理等神殿長的工作,・・・(以下省略)
The Ancestor Series of Adventure Thrillers: 2-Book Set: (Book I: The Mountain Place of Knowledge; Book II: The Ice Cap and the Rift)【電子書籍】[ Marshall Chamberlain ] The Ancestor Series of Adventure Thrillers: 2-Book Set: (Book I: The Mountain Place of Knowledge; Book II: The Ice Cap and the Rift)【電子書籍】[ Marshall Chamberlain ] 924 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>If you like action adventure thrillers like Indiana Jones, or books by Nelson DeMille, or James Rollins and the Sigma Force, you will love the books of the Ancestor Series of adventure thrillers. They will keep you turning the pages.</p> <p>Book I, The Mountain Place of Knowledge, was named “Best Action & Adventure Thriller for 2013” by Foreword Reviews.</p> <p>"Masterful blend of reality w・・・(以下省略)
聰明投資者10年賺10倍持續操作價?股 100張圖表解析巴菲特、蒙格的「可口可樂選股法」,讓?穩穩賺50年的快樂生活【電子書籍】[ 十點 ] 聰明投資者10年賺10倍持續操作價?股 100張圖表解析巴菲特、蒙格的「可口可樂選股法」,讓?穩穩賺50年的快樂生活【電子書籍】[ 十點 ] 952 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>★學巴菲特、蒙格的「可口可樂消費股選股法」,選出Top 1%的價?股!</strong></p> <p><strong>★用價?投資的1原則、6?驟,持續操作就能穩定獲利,年賺30%!</strong></p> <p>?<strong>相信「價格終究圍繞價?波動」,?就不會被市場情緒所左右。</strong></p> <p>?<strong>買進具有好商業模式的公司股票,並長期持有,等於買到一台賺錢機器。</strong></p> <p>?<strong>用<strong><strong>10</strong></strong>個標準找出好公司:有競爭力、?品單一、盈餘成長率超過<strong><strong>15%</strong></strong>……</strong></p> <p>?不想花時間整天?盤,要怎麼選出?得投資的股票??</p> <p>?想在股市賺大・・・(以下省略)
The Top 1% Life Shift from Chaos to Calm in Your Business & Life【電子書籍】[ Kathleen Black ] The Top 1% Life Shift from Chaos to Calm in Your Business & Life【電子書籍】[ Kathleen Black ] 955 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong><em>The Top 1% Life</em> helps real estate agents leave their “overworked underachiever” concept behind.</strong></p> <p>Kathleen Black, one of North America’s leading real estate coaches, has worked with thousands of agents and hundreds of teams to solve this problem. After transforming 80% of her clients into top 1% producers, her tried, tested, and true KBCC Ultimate Expansion Strate・・・(以下省略)

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